This has been a busy week! Following the devastation in Texas following Hurricane Harvey, Tim and many other labs across the country pledged their support to their Texas colleagues affected by the storms. What started as a tweet has turned into over 250 labs across the world volunteering support, space, storage, and general assistance to any scientists whose work has been impeded by Harvey. The generosity and kindness of the science community has been absolutely awe-inspiring and amazing. Our Twitter community has also been marvelous about spreading the word about the effort.
The database can be found here:
If you're a lab in Texas who has been affected by the storm, you can find an appropriate lab to your particular field of research on this list who is willing to help and their contact info.
If you'd like to pledge your labs' support, please email, contact Tim (@drosophilosophy) or the March for Science-Houston (@MarchForSciHou) on Twitter, or use the hashtag #SciHelpTX. Your kindness is much appreciated!
The media has been amazingly kind to help us get the word out. Thanks to the PR office and Social Media people at Jefferson University for putting us in contact with the right folks. Below are links to written articles in (among others) The Washington Post and The Scientist. Also included are links to interviews with Tim on NBC10 Philadelphia and on NewsWorks Tonight from WHYY / NPR about the efforts.
Thank you to all of those who have been so generous with their science and their time! Together, we can make sure that our Texas colleagues know that they have our support and our help!
NBC10 Philadelphia: Link to Interview
The Washington Post: Link to Article
NewsWorks Tonight: Full Interview or Entire Program (Tim starts at 5:02)
The Scientist: Link to Article
Popular Science: Link to Article
GenomeWeb: Link to Article Philly: Link to Article